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Got some cards you're ready to part with? Want some in-store credits??! Here's a list of items we're looking to buy from YOU!

If you have any of these items simply add them to a BuyList Order, tell us how many you have, and send em our way! We'll review the order and if everything looks good you'll get some phat cash or coins! Make sure you've read and agree to the BuyList Terms and Conditions so you know what's going on!

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Select Subcategory:
Category Subcategory Item We'll Pay Qty
Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Azurill - 69-130(Buying Qty: 4) $0.10
Pokemon SM Cosmic Eclipse Azurill 146-236(Buying Qty: 96) $0.01
Pokemon SS Evolving Skies Bagon - 107-203(Buying Qty: 50) $0.01
Pokemon D&P Secret Wonders Bagon - 76/132(Buying Qty: 2) $0.05
Pokemon SM Celestial Storm Bagon 103-168(Buying Qty: 100) $0.01
Pokemon SM Celestial Storm Bagon 104-168(Buying Qty: 100) $0.01
Pokemon Dragon Majesty Bagon 42-70(Buying Qty: 89) $0.03
Pokemon EX Dragon Frontiers Bagon 43-101(Buying Qty: 8) $0.06
Pokemon EX Power Keepers Bagon 43-108(Buying Qty: 3) $0.05
Pokemon EX Dragon Bagon 50-97(Buying Qty: 7) $0.07
Pokemon EX Deoxys Bagon 52-107(Buying Qty: 3) $0.07
Pokemon Arceus Bagon 52-99(Buying Qty: 10) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Stormfront Bagon 53-100(Buying Qty: 11) $0.05
Pokemon XY Roaring Skies Bagon 54-108(Buying Qty: 99) $0.02
Pokemon XY Roaring Skies Bagon 55-108(Buying Qty: 99) $0.02
Pokemon EX Delta Species Bagon 57-113(Buying Qty: 5) $0.06
Pokemon EX Delta Species Bagon 58-113(Buying Qty: 4) $0.06
Pokemon Plasma Blast Bagon 62-101(Buying Qty: 100) $0.03
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Baltoy - 057-163(Buying Qty: 95) $0.01
Pokemon SS Brilliant Stars Baltoy - 058-172(Buying Qty: 57) $0.01
Pokemon Crown Zenith Baltoy - 070-159(Buying Qty: 93) $0.01
Pokemon SS Silver Tempest Baltoy - 093-195(Buying Qty: 98) $0.01
Pokemon S&V - Obsidian Flames Baltoy - 094-197(Buying Qty: 81) $0.01
Pokemon SS Fusion Strike Baltoy - 144-264(Buying Qty: 84) $0.01
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Baltoy - 60-106(Buying Qty: 13) $0.75
Pokemon Hot Items! Baltoy - 60-106 - HOT BUY(Buying Qty: 10) $1.50
Pokemon Double Crisis Baltoy 10-34(Buying Qty: 20) $0.15
Pokemon SS Sword & Shield Base Set Baltoy 101-202(Buying Qty: 96) $0.01
Pokemon SS Sword & Shield Base Set Baltoy 102-202(Buying Qty: 97) $0.01
Pokemon XY Ancient Origins Baltoy 31-98(Buying Qty: 96) $0.02
Pokemon XY Ancient Origins Baltoy 32-98(Buying Qty: 88) $0.02
Pokemon EX Emerald Baltoy 43-106(Buying Qty: 1) $0.07
Pokemon EX Power Keepers Baltoy 44-108(Buying Qty: 7) $0.05
Pokemon EX Hidden Legends Baltoy 52-101(Buying Qty: 9) $0.07
Pokemon EX Hidden Legends Baltoy 53-101(Buying Qty: 9) $0.07
Pokemon EX Deoxys Baltoy 53-107(Buying Qty: 3) $0.07
Pokemon EX Holon Phantoms Baltoy 59-110(Buying Qty: 7) $0.05
Pokemon Dragons Exalted Baltoy 63-124(Buying Qty: 36) $0.03
Pokemon SM Celestial Storm Baltoy 78-168(Buying Qty: 99) $0.01
Pokemon Supreme Victors Baltoy 89-147(Buying Qty: 10) $0.05
Pokemon SS Astral Radiance Barboach - 035-189(Buying Qty: 55) $0.01
Pokemon S&V - Paldean Fates Barboach - 050-091(Buying Qty: 53) $0.01
Pokemon S&V - Obsidian Flames Barboach - 108-197(Buying Qty: 87) $0.01
Pokemon D&P Mysterious Treasures Barboach - 72-123(Buying Qty: 3) $0.05
Pokemon SS Rebel Clash Barboach 099-192 (Buying Qty: 97) $0.01
Pokemon XY Primal Clash Barboach 39-160(Buying Qty: 96) $0.02
Pokemon EX Dragon Barboach 51-97(Buying Qty: 9) $0.07
Pokemon EX Deoxys Barboach 54-107(Buying Qty: 3) $0.07
Pokemon EX Holon Phantoms Barboach 60-110(Buying Qty: 6) $0.05
Pokemon SM Guardians Rising Barboach 70-145(Buying Qty: 98) $0.01
Pokemon SS Fusion Strike Basculin - 070-264(Buying Qty: 94) $0.01
Pokemon Emerging Powers Basculin 24-98(Buying Qty: 46) $0.02
Pokemon Arceus Beedrill 53-99(Buying Qty: 10) $0.05
Pokemon S&V - Temporal Forces Beldum - 113-162(Buying Qty: 47) $0.01
Pokemon SS Silver Tempest Beldum - 117-195(Buying Qty: 99) $0.01
Pokemon SS Vivid Voltage Beldum 116-185(Buying Qty: 93) $0.01
Pokemon HGSS Undaunted Beldum 43-90(Buying Qty: 10) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Beldum 44-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon EX Power Keepers Beldum 45-108(Buying Qty: 3) $0.05
Pokemon XY Ancient Origins Beldum 47-98(Buying Qty: 94) $0.02
Pokemon Plasma Freeze Beldum 50-116(Buying Qty: 92) $0.03
Pokemon EX Hidden Legends Beldum 54-101(Buying Qty: 4) $0.07
Pokemon EX Deoxys Beldum 55-107(Buying Qty: 2) $0.07
Pokemon EX Delta Species Beldum 59-113(Buying Qty: 2) $0.06
Pokemon SM Guardians Rising Beldum 83-145(Buying Qty: 100) $0.01
Pokemon D&P Legends Awakened Beldum 83-146(Buying Qty: 18) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Legends Awakened Beldum 84-146(Buying Qty: 15) $0.05
Pokemon Supreme Victors Beldum 90-147(Buying Qty: 10) $0.05
Pokemon SM Celestial Storm Beldum 92-168(Buying Qty: 99) $0.01
Pokemon SM Celestial Storm Beldum 93-168(Buying Qty: 100) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Bellsprout - 001-163(Buying Qty: 98) $0.01
Pokemon S&V - Scarlet & Violet 151 Bellsprout - 069-165(Buying Qty: 69) $0.02
Pokemon Base Set 2 Bellsprout - 66-130 (Buying Qty: 38) $0.05
Pokemon XY Furious Fists Bellsprout 1-111(Buying Qty: 94) $0.03
Pokemon SM Guardians Rising Bellsprout 1-145(Buying Qty: 99) $0.01
Pokemon SM Celestial Storm Bellsprout 1-168(Buying Qty: 100) $0.01
Pokemon SM Unbroken Bonds Bellsprout 13-214(Buying Qty: 100) $0.01
Pokemon Jungle Bellsprout 49-64(Buying Qty: 32) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle (1st Edition) Bellsprout 49-64 1st edition(Buying Qty: 48) $0.25
Pokemon EX Legend Maker Bellsprout 49-92(Buying Qty: 3) $0.05
Pokemon EX FireRed & LeafGreen Bellsprout 53-112(Buying Qty: 9) $0.05
Pokemon HGSS Triumphant Bellsprout 57-102(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon Aquapolis Bellsprout 68-147(Buying Qty: 10) $0.50
Pokemon D&P Legends Awakened Bellsprout 85-146(Buying Qty: 16) $0.05
Pokemon SS Evolving Skies Bergmite - 044-203(Buying Qty: 57) $0.01
Pokemon SS Astral Radiance Bergmite - 047-189(Buying Qty: 44) $0.01
Pokemon SM Forbidden Light Bergmite 29-131(Buying Qty: 99) $0.01
Pokemon XY Flashfire Bergmite 30-106(Buying Qty: 99) $0.03
Pokemon XY Steam Siege Bergmite 36-114(Buying Qty: 94) $0.02
Pokemon Neo Genesis Berry - 99-111(Buying Qty: 18) $0.05
Pokemon Neo Genesis (1st Edition) Berry - 99-111 - 1st Edition(Buying Qty: 9) $0.15
Pokemon Pokemon GO Bibarel 060-078(Buying Qty: 75) $0.01
Pokemon Crown Zenith Bidoof - 111-159(Buying Qty: 87) $0.01
Pokemon SS Brilliant Stars Bidoof - 120-172(Buying Qty: 55) $0.01
Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Bidoof - 70-130(Buying Qty: 3) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Mysterious Treasures Bidoof - 73-123(Buying Qty: 2) $0.05
Pokemon Pokemon GO Bidoof 059-078(Buying Qty: 71) $0.01
Pokemon Dragons Exalted Bidoof 106-124(Buying Qty: 34) $0.03
Pokemon XY Base Set Bidoof 106-146(Buying Qty: 99) $0.02
Pokemon XY Primal Clash Bidoof 116-160(Buying Qty: 100) $0.02
